Monday, December 15, 2008

Today's Question for Consumption

Why do lesbians dress like men?

Me and lesbians have some fundamental similarities, including but not limited to the fact that we all love T & A and want to fill vagina holes. We love the ladies. Fat chicks, skinny chicks, sluts, prudes, asians, latina, or all of the above, but for some reason many lesbians prefer their partner to be as butt ugly as possible. I have seen so many man-looking lesbians I don't even know what to think.

And I am talking about lesbians, not women who prefer women. Lesbians are self-proclaimed and fit into lesbian culture; as we all know, every woman would hook up with chicks under the right circumstances (spring break, frat parties, strip poker, any situation with alcohol etc.) so "regular" women are not considered in this argument.

Why do lesbians prefer their partners to be butch? I prefer my women to be sexy, in shape, clean shaven, wearing pants that fit, no dirt under the fingernails, nice smelling and not fat, but it seems like lesbians have totally different priorities.

Damn, I'm happy I'm not a lesbian.

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