Friday, May 9, 2008

One more thing...

So 50 Cent has his chain snatched while on stage in Angola. You can check out the video on YouTube. This is old news by now, the culprit was turned in to the authorities by his parents but still important issues linger.

What does 50 expect? He performs in front of thousands of people in a poor former colony in Africa, probably charging them out the ass for tickets and other concert related memorabilia and food. Wouldn't you be pissed if an over-paid ghetto embracing mansion owning performer paraded his wealth in front of you? Lets look at some statistics:

GDP - per capita (PPP):
$6,500 (2007 est.)

Hmmm...that means 50 Cent's chain is probably worth over a hundred times what an average Angolan makes in a year.

70 % below the poverty line

United States
12% below the poverty line

Just to put this into perspective the poverty line is around $25,000 a year for a family of four in urban areas, so you can imagine what the cut-off is in Africa...

50 should have let the kid keep the chain. Isn't 50 the one that embraces the thug life? Isn't he the one who made 100's of millions selling this image? He deserves a taste of what he claims to love. He should show this ballsy kid some respect. 50 needs to remember when he was hungry and went at all the top rappers. At one point 50 was this kid. But now 50 only worries about maintaining his evanescent ghetto image; he makes up lies about how his snatched chain was retrieved shortly after and he jumped off stage and punched the kid. 50 needs to embrace the truth and accept that he is no longer the victimizer, he is not underprivileged, he is now in position to be the victim and he needs to embrace this new status because then he'll achieve what he wants so bad, to actually be keeping it real.

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